Antenatal DepressionThe founder of A Zon Educare Advisory and the consulting psychologist supervisor, Ms. Lee Li Li, shares about the topic "Antenatal Depression" at 2:30p.m. at NTV 7 (LIVE) on the 10th March 2017 (Friday).
Sharing from the psychologist, Ms. Lee Li Li for expectants parents…
Ms Lee Li PsychologistAre you ready to be a dad or a mom?
Antenatal depression can be caused when both husband and wife are not ready to have a child yet. Some of concerns include
Sudden change of lifestyle and living arrangements
  • Husband and wife are not ready to make changes for the arrival of baby. The marriage couple may see the arrival of baby has disturbed their current living styles.
  • o Depression strikes many working mothers too especially when the sudden arrival of baby may cause her to feel burnout to handle career and baby at the same time. At the meantime, her experiencing of imbalance hormone during the pregnancy period may add onto her feeling stressful to the sudden life changing event.
Financial difficulties:
  • When the salary of the marriage couple which only sufficient for two persons to make a living, the expenses accounted to take care of a baby can be a barrier and stressful for the marriage couple.
Prenatal Classes
Relationship and family difficulties:
  • Pregnant woman unable to find someone to talk about her feelings of pregnancy.
  • There are numerous of Chinese pregnancy taboos which may contribute to the woman feeling afraid to express her true feelings about the pregnancy and baby because she may perceive as not wanting or welcoming the baby, therefore, she may choose to suppress her feeling eventually.
  • Unsuitable comforting words given for the pregnant woman during the tough time, such as “don’t worry, everything will be alright” may let the pregnant women feeling helpless.
Does attending antenatal classes necessary for pregnant women?
Prenatal Depression
Ms. Lee Li Li, the psychologist shares that for expectant mothers should:
  • Always talk to someone especially husband and family members.
  • Engage in antenatal exercises such as yoga and Pilates which can alleviate the uneasiness feeling during pregnancy.
  • Equip with the knowledge about parenting such as the methods to protect the baby as well as the ways to take care of a pregnant woman so that pregnant woman is aware about the biological changes throughout the pregnancy period.
Symptoms of Antenatal Depression
Prenatal Depression
When symptoms listed as below have persist for two weeks or more:
Feeling constantly sad, low, or crying for no obvious reason.
  • Having little or no interest in all the normal things that bring joy (like time with friends, exercise, eating, or sharing partner time)
  • Pregnancy is generally seen as a time of cheerfulness, fulfilment and joy. However, because of this, depression in pregnancy, pregnant women may feel extremely worry about the baby (e.g. baby may born unhealthy).
Finding it difficult to focus, concentrate or remember
Fighting Couple
Trouble in sleeping and unhealthy eating diet
  • Pregnant woman normally will encounter trouble sleeping, during the final trimester (7th month) or later, nevertheless when a pregnant woman has sleeping issue starting at early stage, says 1st trimester, she may susceptible to antenatal depression.
Having thoughts of death or suicide
Being nervous, ‘on edge’, or panicky
Feeling of worthlessness, helplessness or guilt
Big Family
Ms. Lee Li Li, the psychologist shares that:

When a pregnant women only displays one symptom from the list above, we tend not to worry that the pregnant women has antenatal depression. However, when the pregnant women has already display more than one symptoms and have persist for more than two weeks, we should take extra cautious that she may has antenatal depression.
Psychological Consultation
Some of the factors that might contribute to antenatal depression include:
Apart from the factor that mentioned by Ms. Lee Li Li earlier, such as marriage couple are not ready to have a baby, other factors include,
  • Financial difficulties. Financial problems can significantly increase the amount of stress during pregnancy.
  • Infertility or previous pregnancy loss. If the woman has experienced difficulties trying to get pregnant, or have had a miscarriage in the past, she may find herself worrying about the safety of this pregnancy.
Is a women born from broken family is more susceptible to antenatal depression?
Ms. Lee Li Li shares that a person’s family background is not a factor that contributes to women to have antennal depression. However, it is the family background influences how a person perceives the world positively or negatively. Therefore, a woman who tends to has negative thinking patterns is more vulnerable to has antenatal depression as she tends to perceive the world negatively.
Treatments for antenatal depression:

How family members and surrounding people can help pregnant woman to face antenatal depression…
Most importantly... is the support and care from the husband and families members.
Engage in more interpersonal communication such as how to handle and take care of the infant. The purpose is to understand each others' true feeling. Avoid being suspicious to each other in the relationship.
Peer support group
Life adjustment
Herbal medicine
Lee Li Li psychologist does not recommend pregnant woman to use medication to control depression unless her depression is considered profound (e.g., she engages in self-injury, suicide act).

Lee Li Li psychologist recommends to use traditional medicine to improve health condition.

Note: The above content is retrieved from NTV 7 Living Delight《Important things to know for pregnancy》complex feelings from expectant parents – 10th of March 2017). For more details, please contact our administrative office, we will have our psychologist to advice you further. Thank you.